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VIN must be made up of exactly 17 characters and belongs to a vehicle manufacturer after 1980.

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Free Instant VIN Check at Carvalid

What is a VIN Check?

A VIN Check is a process used to obtain detailed information about a vehicle's history by using its Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). This unique 17-character code helps to uncover important details such as past ownership, accident history, title status and more. It's a valuable tool for anyone looking to buy a used car, as it provides insights into the vehicle's background and can help you make an informed decision.

What Does Each Digit in a VIN Mean?

The VIN is divided into 3 main sections: the World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI), the Vehicle Descriptor Section (VDS), and the Vehicle Identifier Section (VIS)

The first three digits represent the WMI. (World Manufacturer Identifier)

The next 5 characters represent vehicle brand, body style, model, trim, engine size and type

The 9th digit is part of a security check used to validate the vin

The 10th digit represents the model year

The 11the character represents assembly plant name

The final 6 characters represent the vehicle serial number

Check Vehicle identification number
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Why a VIN check is so Important?

US VIN Check can provide some piece of mind to potential buyers used car buyers by reducing and eliminating some of the risks that come with buying a preowned car. Running a VIN Check before you buy may help you by:

Help Prevent Fraud: Vin checks can help in identifying stolen vehicles or those with tampered odometers or hidden issues.

Verify Authenticity: Vin checks confirm the legitimacy of a vehicle's details such as make, model, year and history.

Help Reduce Financial Risk: By checking a vehicle's history, potential buyers can make informed decisions and avoid purchasing a vehicle with salvage history or one that has a lien placed on it by a third party.

Compliance: In some states, the act of verifying the vehicles information falls on the new owner essentially making vin checks a legal requirement for registering a vehicle.

What's included in a Carvalid Vehicle History Report

Accident History Accident History
Title History Title History
Odometer Check Odometer Check
Service History Service History
Recalls Recalls
Theft History Check Theft History Check
Sale & Lien Records Sale & Lien Records
Commercial Use History Commercial Use History
Problem Checklist Problem Checklist
Junk / Salvage / Total loss Junk / Salvage / Total loss
Ownership Records Ownership Records
Vehicle Images Vehicle Images
Vehicle Specifications Vehicle Specifications
Market Pricing Market Pricing
Owner Rating Owner Rating

What People are Saying About our Service

Here are the thoughts expressed by some of our customers:

Your report was so incredible in the context I was in, I refused to believe it and I realized my mistake only a few hours after paying for the vehicle.
I am impressed to see that your company meets its guarantee promises without the need for lengthy negotiations. That is to your credit.
I am very pleased and very impressed with the way you and CarValid handled my request!
Thanks for the VIN report, it was a huge help for me.
Thank you for your help! I appreciate the quick response and great customer service.
Thanks for the info it was very informative!
Love this info helps me choose good cars.

Lookup VIN by State

CarValid VIN Check services cover Vehicles registered in all 50 US States. CarValid innovative and user-friendly interface offers data gathered from various government and proprietary data sources to compile easy to understand, comprehensive vehicle history reports. It is an essential too for anyone looking to retrieve essential information about practically any vehicle's history in USA.

By simply entering your VIN into any one of Carvalid's VIN search boxes, users can generate detailed reports that may unveil important insights such as the vehicle's ownership history, accident records, salvage history, title status, and even potential recalls or theft records. This is an invaluable tool for anyone buying a used car, providing buyers with some transparency in their decision-making process.

Buy your new pre-owned car with confidence.

Run a CarValid Vehicle History Report first!

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