Vehicle Trouble Codes and Diagnostics

P000D Guide to Diagnosing

"B" Camshaft Position Slow Response

The P000D OBD-II code stands for "B Camshaft Position Slow Response". It signals that the Engine Control Module (ECM) has detected a problem with the camshaft position sensor or camshaft timing for camshaft "B", typically referring to the exhaust camshaft in a dual-cam engine. The ECM expects a faster response from the sensor or actuator, but the delay in response can affect engine performance and timing. Essentially, the ECM has identified that the "B" camshaft (usually the exhaust camshaft) is not adjusting to timing changes as promptly as required, or there may be an issue with the camshaft timing system.


Check Engine Light (CEL), Rough Idle, Poor Acceleration, Engine Misfire, Decreased Fuel Efficiency, Stalling

Possible Causes of P000D Code :

  • Faulty Camshaft Position Sensor: If the sensor responsible for detecting camshaft position is damaged or malfunctioning, it may send incorrect or delayed data to the ECM.
  • Faulty Variable Valve Timing (VVT) System: If the VVT system is malfunctioning or its solenoid is faulty, it may not adjust the camshaft timing correctly, leading to a slow response.
  • Low Oil Pressure: Since the camshaft position system often relies on oil pressure, low oil pressure can prevent the system from functioning as it should.
  • Worn Timing Chain/Belt: If the timing chain or belt is worn or stretched, it may cause a delay in camshaft movement.
  • Electrical Issues: Wiring issues, such as poor connections, damaged wires, or corrosion, can cause slow response times or faulty sensor readings.
  • Faulty ECM: In rare cases, the ECM itself may be malfunctioning or not properly interpreting signals from the sensor or actuator.


How to Fix it?

Ensure to check for any damaged components and inspect the connector pins for signs of being broken, bent, pushed out, or corroded.

Common Diagnose and Repairs:

  • Scan the Vehicle: Use an OBD-II scanner to read the code and check for any additional codes that might help pinpoint the issue.
  • Check the Camshaft Position Sensor: Inspect and test the camshaft position sensor for faults.
  • Inspect VVT System: Check the Variable Valve Timing solenoids and their operation.
  • Inspect Timing Chain/Belt: Look for signs of wear or damage to the timing components.
  • Check Oil Pressure: Ensure that the engine has sufficient oil pressure to operate the VVT system correctly.
  • Inspect Wiring: Check for damaged or corroded wiring in the camshaft position sensor circuit.


Driving with vehicle warning codes can be dangerous and may do further damage to your vehicle. It is highly advisable that you have the vehicle inspected and diagnosed by a certified vehicle technician as soon as possible.

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