Left Rear Tone Wheel
The C0036 error code indicates a problem with the Left Rear Tone Wheel, a critical component of the Anti-lock Braking System (ABS). The tone wheel is a toothed ring typically attached to the wheel hub, working alongside a wheel speed sensor to monitor wheel speed. This information is used by the ABS to adjust braking and prevent wheel lockup.
As the left rear tone wheel rotates, it generates signals through its teeth, which are detected by the wheel speed sensor. These signals are then sent to the ABS control module, where they are processed to track the wheel’s rotational speed. If the tone wheel is damaged or malfunctioning, it can result in inaccurate speed readings, leading to improper ABS or Traction Control System (TCS) behavior.
ABS Warning Light, Traction Control Warning, Inaccurate Speed Readings, Reduced Braking Performance, Increased Stopping Distance
Possible Causes of C0036 Code :
How to Fix it?
Ensure to check for any damaged components and inspect the connector pins for signs of being broken, bent, pushed out, or corroded.
Common Diagnose and Repairs:
Diagnosis Steps:
Driving with vehicle warning codes can be dangerous and may do further damage to your vehicle. It is highly advisable that you have the vehicle inspected and diagnosed by a certified vehicle technician as soon as possible.
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